cal miskaat 1
The Strategic Implications of Somalia’s Puntland Offensive on ISIS in the Horn of Africa
Author: Abdullahi Ciid For over a decade, the Islamic State (IS) has maintained a significant presence in the Horn of Africa, particularly in Somalia’s Puntland region, where the Cal Miskaat mountains have served as a critical stronghold....
Dalalka GEESKA AFRIKA: Dhibaha iyo Dheefaha
Author: Dr. Suleyman Axmad Walhad Aagga Dalalka Geeska Afrika (DGA) waa kan ugu kooneeya qaaradda Afrika, dhinaca bari. Waxa uu ka kooban yahay dalalka Soomaaliya, Itoobiya, Jabuuti, iyo Eritrea. Waa aag xasaasi ah oo xasarado...
Somalia UN SC
How the UN Security Council benefits from Somalia’s membership
Author: Liban Obsiye Somalia was elected to serve on the U.N. Security Council as a non-permanent member for the second time since independence in 1960 and assumed its seat on Jan. 1, 2025. Somalia joined Denmark, Greece, Pakistan...
Somalia Elections
Somalia's Democratic Future: Why Direct Elections Are Non-Negotiable
Author: Mohamed Omar Hashi Somalia is at a critical juncture, with the government’s unwavering commitment to transitioning to direct elections marking a significant step towards democratic renewal and the consolidation of national...
Abdullahi Ciid
The Impact of USAID Funding Suspension on Somalia’s Humanitarian Crisis
Author: Abdullahi Ciid In a country like Somalia, where 54% of the population lives below the national poverty line, 78% lacks access to healthcare, and 70% of children have no access to primary education, the abrupt suspension of...
Caqabadaha horyaala doorasho qof iyo cod ah inay ka dhacdo Soomaaliya
Hordhac Markii aan xornimada qaadanay 1960 kii, Soomaaliya waxaa ka dhacay doorashooyin nabad ah ilaa 1969-kii, markaasoo ay ciidamadu afgambi ku qabsadeen talada dalka. 1969kii ilaa 1991kii Siyaad Barre waxa uu dalka ku xukumayay...
Caafimaadka Maanka: Maxaan Ka Baran Karnaa?
Caafimaadka maanka waa qeyb muhiim ah oo nolosha qofka ah. Dhibaatooyinka caafimaadka maanka sida niyad-jabka iyo walbahaarka waxay saameyn weyn ku yeeshaan caafimaadka guud ee qofka. Waxaa muhiim ah in qof walba uu fahmo in caafimaadka...
Why Reading Books is Essential in the Digital Age
In a world dominated by social media and instant information, reading books might seem old-fashioned. But it’s more relevant than ever. Books provide deep insights that short articles and videos can’t match. Whether it’s a novel or...
The Future of Artificial Intelligence in Education
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing the way we teach and learn. Imagine a classroom where the teacher is assisted by AI tools to personalize lessons for each student. That future is closer than you think. AI can analyze a student’s...
Ka Hortagga Isbeddelka Cimilada: Tallaabooyinka Yar ee Saameynta Weyn Leh
Isbeddelka cimilada waa dhibaato caalami ah oo saameyn ku leh nolosha qof kasta. In kasta oo aanan si buuxda u joojin karin isbeddelka cimilada, qof walba wuxuu qaadi karaa tallaabooyin yar oo wax ka taraya. Isticmaalka Tamarta Yaree:...